
PTO Board 

President: Caroline Chin Goldwater
1st Vice President, Fundraising: Carrie Courtillet
2nd Vice President, Volunteers: Sarah Conrad
Treasurer: Lisa Lowrey
Secretary: Kristy Harman
Financial Secretary: Melinda Holler

Director of Student Activities: Yara Abouhadid


Communications Committee:

News Blast Coordinator: VACANT
Social Media Chairs: Julia Sarver
Website & Directory: Kristy Harman

Upcoming Events

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Community Corner

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Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.

Download the App

Download the Membership Toolkit App and sign in using your navypto.org login credentials.

Follow us on Social Media


Click Here to Donate to TSAW

Yearbook Information

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Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.

Shop For Navy

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Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.

By shopping from our partners, Navy PTO will receive a portion of the proceeds of your purchase.

Thank You Sponsors

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Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.
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